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  • Writer's pictureUnraveledCrochet

What is your current WIP?

What is your work in progress project? Are you just starting, right in the middle with a huge knot in your yarn, or so close to the end that you can feel your fingers cramping up?

If you're like me, you have several projects going on at all times. But perhaps you're more organized and finish one thing at a time. I envy you! My habits extend even further than just yarn. I do the same thing when I read, having started multiple books at a time and not actually having enough time to finish them. At work, we've started a book club, which at least holds me accountable for keeping up with the books we're reading so I actually finish them.

When I finish with my Master's degree, I'd like to join a "Stitch 'n Bitch" group at a local yarn to keep me accountable for my projects, but also to get help with my projects, socialize, and to have more to look forward to every week outside of work. I live in Massachusetts nearish Boston, so if you have an recommendations for local yarn shops that have a social night please leave a comment and tell me!

For now, I'll rely on you my reader to help me finish my projects. I thank you in advance!

Currently, I'm working on a quick half-double crochet scarf using Lion Brand's Scarfie yarn and the pattern they provide on the label. Keep a look out on my Instagram for updates on my progress. And share what you're working on using the #unraveledcrochet tag—I look forward to seeing all of your hard work! Happy crocheting!

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